The last of the Tempranillo

Hello Friends,

It is finally feeling like summer around here. We have just a few cases left of the 2021 Tempranillo from Adobe Canyon Vineyard in the Los Olivos District.  Our TGIF wines this week are the 202 Tempranillo along with the 2021 Zotovich Chardonnay, for a crisp white wine on these hot summer days.  TGIF = $30. Let me know if you want to pick it up, stash it, or ship it.

If you have not picked up your Spring wine club, we would love it if you could make some time to swing by.

Have a great weekend,

Sara (aka very happy mom with a full heart)


Wednesday and Thursday 4-7ish
Friday 2-7ish
Saturday 12-5ish
Sunday 12-5ish

Sara Gummere